How to use bluestacks for free
How to use bluestacks for free

how to use bluestacks for free how to use bluestacks for free

Download BlueStacks app player to your computerįirst you need to download the BlueStacks app player to your computer. Simply follow these steps below to use WhatsApp on your Desktop or a Laptop without even owning a smartphone!ġ. Here, in this case we want to install WhatsApp directly on a PC without having anything to do with a phone. The web version of WhatsApp just creates a mirror image of WhatsApp (phone version) on your computer.

how to use bluestacks for free

However, a phone with WhatsApp installed is still required in order to use WhatsApp web on a computer. WhatsApp has released its web version for use on Windows computers and MAC’s. You can download the BlueStacks App Player for free at.

How to use bluestacks for free